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Join your host Lydia in her garret room and enjoy a cozy collection of essays about movies and ideas.
Movies have been Lydia’s hobby since she began pouring over the film pullout section of the Friday paper as a 10-year-old. She’s kept up with weekly releases and reviews ever since, building up an encyclopedic knowledge of film trivia and a reputation for reliable recommendations to friends and family. With a background in creative writing and experience in performing, Lydia is delighted to share her passion for film.
Lydia welcomes you to her attic room to talk about her love for Raiders of the Lost Ark. Come curl up under a granny square blanket and discuss the sublime, the painful origins of the adventure genre, and the excellence of Marion Ravenwood.
- Opening music: Struggling performed by the Johnny Dodds Trio, obtained from the Open Music Archive, licensed under the Public Domain.
- Closing music:Beautiful Cinematic Piano Music by Denis-Pavlov-Music used with permission under the Pixabay License.
- Soundscape: Various clips used with permission under the Pixabay License. Mourning dove sound clip by Spanac used with permission from the Free Sounds Library under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.